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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Writers Club in the background - Lets play "Spot Makere"

This music video was one of the most dramatic experience on a set ever for me as a producer. Trying to execute a very complicated storyboard is not the easiest task and I am glad we pulled it off. This video was in pre-production for four months (trying to get all the cameos for one day is a very interesting experience , they all have very hectic schedules and getting funding for an expensive project does not take a day), the shoot was one day and four months in post-production (the fastest process was the grading, but graphics had to be re-done four times, we had to fly someone from Cape Town to see through the original vision, because the first graphics were not working for the project). It was the first time the production was using the Red Epic and this camera is not post-production friendly. Transcoding the footage takes days. We went through the budget like Bill Gates was funding it. We even lost track of how much we were spending, we had gone to far to turn back. Jobie my business partner and I aged a few years just putting this music video together. We had to see this vision through and I am glad and relieved we achieved that.
Proverb - Writers Club, is an art piece.

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